Northeastern Technical College

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NETC Kicks Off Semester with Inservice ››

Northeastern Technical College (NETC) kicked off the Spring semester with an employee in-service. During the event, faculty and staff gathered to hear college leaders share important updates and plans for the year ahead. T...

Tags: College Newsletter College College Prepared

Employees Attend Team Skills Training ››

NETC employees participated in the South Carolina Department of Administration’s Professional Skills Training on January 31, focusing on building stronger teamwork through the Team Skills program....

Tags: College Newsletter College

NETC Marlboro County Campus Nears Completion of Phase II Renovations ››

Staff members from Marlboro County High School recently had the exciting opportunity to tour the NETC Marlboro County Campus at 1120 Oakwood Street in Bennettsville....

Tags: News College College Educated College Prepared Pathway Pathway to a Future Start Your Pathway Students

Inclement Weather Policy Reminder ››

As a reminder, NETC campuses follow the hazardous weather delays/closings of the county where their office is located unless the System/College President authorizes evacuation/closure of a facility ...

Tags: College Newsletter College

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