Northeastern Technical College

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NETC Recieves $3.2M for Pell Experiment ››

NETC received 3.2 million dollars in grant money to help High School students in Chesterfield, Marlboro, and Dillon Counties earn college credits that transfer to NETC and other colleges....

Tags: News College College Educated College Prepared Community Cost Prepared Financial Assistance Pathway Pathway to a Future Start Your Pathway

NETC Marlboro County Campus Orientation ››

The Marlboro County Campus of Northeastern Technical College held Orientation on June 12, 2019. NETC Faculty and Staff welcomed students to the newly renovated campus and gave them a tour of the facility. ...

Tags: News College College Prepared Community Cost Prepared Financial Assistance New Programs Pathway Pathway to a Future Start Your Pathway Students

Mistakes Do Not Define You ››

Three and a half years ago, Amy Edwards decided to leave her 20-year career in public accounting. She desired to get out from behind a desk and do something to make a difference in people's lives. She has not regretted that decision. Amy enjoys teaching and mentoring young students....

Tags: Careers Alumni Career College College Educated College Prepared Community Pathway Pathway to a Future Start Your Pathway Students

"Yes" Changed my Life ››

Knockemus has been an English instructor at Northeastern Technical College for over 20 years. "I recently realized thinking about being a teacher as a way to change others' lives is a selfish, egotistical statement. Instead, I've learned being a teacher is about allowing my life to be changed by others."...

Tags: Awards College College Educated Community Pathway Pathway to a Future Start Your Pathway

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