Northeastern Technical College

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NETC Dean of Students selected for corrections education academy ››

Northeastern Technical College Dean of Students Danielle Williams Pace was selected to attend Vera Institute’s Corrections Education Leadership Academy (CELA). ...

Tags: News Alumni Career College Community New Programs Pathway Start Your Pathway Students

NETC Esports Camp returns for middle, high school students ››

Northeastern Technical College Athletic Department can arrange this ethereal combat through its Summer Esports Camp open to both middle and high school students. ...

Tags: News Career College Community New Programs Pathway Students

Lake View High students introduce workforce classes to faculty ››

Lake View High schoolers enrolled in Northeastern Technical College workforce courses on their campus tested faculty on the coursework they are completing. ...

Tags: News Career College College Educated College Prepared Community Pathway Pathway to a Future Start Your Pathway Students

NETC registered nursing program graduates largest class ››

Late night studying. Lots of caffeine. Family support. All three were the key components to the largest Northeastern Technical College’s Associate Degree in Nursing graduating class was the consensus among the student speakers. ...

Tags: News Alumni Career College Community Cost Prepared Financial Assistance New Programs Pathway Pathway to a Future Start Your Pathway Students

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