The Continuing Education Division offers customized and on-site training in several areas such as Six Sigma, Lean Manufacturing, Allen Bradley & Siemens PLC training, Leadership, ISO Certifications, problem solving, and many more. Just because you did not see a training program listed on our website does not mean we can't provide the training that you need!
There are various funding sources that can be used to ensure that South Carolina companies remain competitive such as SNAP2Work, WIOA Services via OneStop Centers, WIOA WorkKeys Profiling Service, WIOA Incumbent Worker Training, WIOA On the Job Training, J. Marion Sims Foundation BEST Grant, SCMEP, Veteran's Administration, readySC™, Department of Commerce Job Development Credit, Job Tax Credit, Enterprise Zone Retraining Tax Credit, SC Registered Apprenticeship Job Tax Credit, and Vocational Rehabilitation.
ReadySC™ provides customized training for new and expanding business and industry in the state of South Carolina. This training is provided at little or no cost to qualifying companies. Visit readysc to obtain detailed information about this program, or contact Lucinda Sutton at or (803) 981-7101.
Apprenticeship programs are a viable workforce development tool and can be found in such industries as advanced manufacturing, information technology, energy, tourism, transportation and logistics as well as healthcare, just to name a few. Industries and businesses can take advantage of this program and receive the available state tax credit, achieve a higher skill level among employees, notice improved productivity, develop a structured and consistent training plan, and create a reliable plan for the future. To learn how Apprenticeship Carolina can help your company remain competitive, visit Apprenticeship Carolina or contact Amy Firestone at
The Enterprise Zone Retraining Credit Program helps existing industries maintain their competitive edge and retain their existing workforce by allowing them to claim a Retraining Credit for existing production employees. If approved for the Enterprise Zone Retraining Credit, companies can reimburse themselves up to 50 percent of approved training costs for eligible production workers (not to exceed $500 per person per year). This program is also overseen by the Coordinating Council for Economic Development. Learn how your company can take advantage of this program by contacting Angelia Nivens at or call (843) 921-6900.
SCMEP is a private, non-profit group that provides South Carolina businesses with a range of innovative strategies and solutions to drive growth, eliminate waste, and develop resources. The core of SCMEP's business improvement services is the no cost one-day Competitiveness Review, an assessment tool developed by SCMEP. The Competitiveness Review is a comprehensive on-site, systematic evaluation of a company's operations that enables SCMEP's Manufacturing Specialists to:
Gain an understanding of the organization in order to identify the core issues limiting your success
Learn how your company can take advantage of this program by visiting SCMEP .
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