Northeastern Technical College

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Nine graduate from Nursing Assistant program ››

Nine students recently graduated from Northeastern Technical College’s Nursing Assistant (NA) Program. The program consists of 80 hours of classroom instruction and 40 hours of supervised clinical training and is offered by the college’s division of continuing education. ...

Tags: Continuing Education Alumni Career College Educated Pathway to a Future Students

20 years after she started college, she has no regrets. ››

It may have taken Cynthia McCormick 20 years to finish the college degree she started in high school, but she says she wouldn’t change a thing about the life that “got in the way.”...

Tags: Transfer Opportunities Alumni College College Educated Community Pathway to a Future Students

Dillon’s second class of Nursing Assistants graduate ››

Eight students recently graduated from Northeastern Technical College’s first Nursing Assistant (NA) Program in Dillon....

Tags: Continuing Education Alumni Career Pathway to a Future

Students Graduate July 14 from NETC’s NA Program ››

Eleven students recently graduated from Northeastern Technical College’s Nursing Assistant (NA) Program. The program consists of 80 hours of classroom instruction and 40 hours of supervised clinical training and is offered by the college’s division of continuing education. ...

Tags: Continuing Education Alumni Career College Educated

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