Northeastern Technical College held a ribbon cutting ceremony for the college's new satellite campus in McBee, S.C. on November 12.
The McBee campus, located at 399 E. Cedar Ave, began offering welding courses this past fall semester and is expanding program offerings in January 2025, to include Pre-Engineering Mechanical I, Pre-Engineering Electrical I, and both MIG and TIG welding.
The new Campus is part of NETC's ongoing commitment to expand educational opportunities across its service area.
"This marks a significant step forward in our efforts to ensure that people in our service area have access to the education and training they need," said NETC President Dr. Kyle Wagner. "We are committed to bringing high-quality, high-demand workforce programs to our communities that align with local industry needs. The McBee Campus is a key part of fulfilling that mission."
For more information on enrolling in classes at the McBee Satellite Campus or to learn more about the upcoming programs, visit the NETC website at or contact the Enrollment Center at 800-921-7399.
Tags: Alumni Career College College Educated College Prepared Community Cost Prepared Financial Assistance New Programs Pathway Pathway to a Future Start Your Pathway Students News
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