At least 30 percent of all FAFSA forms processed are selected by the Department of Education for a process called verification. Once NETC's Office of Student Financial Assistance receives a flagged FAFSA, a missing information letter or tracking letter will be sent to the student requesting the information needed to complete the student's file. If your FAFSA is flagged, you will be required to submit signed copies of certain financial documents to NETC's Office of Student Financial Assistance. The financial aid staff will compare the information on the FAFSA with the information on the financial documents and verification forms. Additional information may be requested to resolve any discrepancies. If a resubmission is necessary, the financial aid staff will electronically submit the changes to the Department of Education so eligibility can be recalculated. Once the FAFSA is reprocessed the college will receive new FAFSA results that will be used to package the student's financial aid award.
The student/prospective student's financial aid file is incomplete and no further action will be taken on the student's file until all documentation requested is received. It is NETC's policy not to award any financial assistance until verification is complete. Only students selected for verification are required to submit these documents.
The student has until June 30, 2023, to complete the verification process for 2022 - 2023. The student will not receive any retroactive awards for terms attended during the 2022 - 2023 award year if he/she has not completed the verification process by June 30, 2023.
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